Janani (2006) a family drama movie Synopsis: Janani... is story of a woman's natural desire to be a mother and a mother's ultimate sacrifice for her child. Urmila (Ayesha Julka) an enterprising young woman, who runs a toy company, is happily married to Raj (Mohnish Behl), a businessman with interest in real estate. However when their young son Rahul (Vineet Raina) falls in love with Neha (Sonica Handa) and the young lovers decide to marry, Urmila and Raj initially agree but unanimously put their foot down against the marriage when they know about Neha's parents. Who are Neha's parents? What prompted this couple to deny their only son's wish? What is that secret of Neha that the couple is holding onto??? Akanksha (Bhagyashree), who lives happily along with husband Tarun (Aman Verma), son Rahul (Master Smith Shah) and mother-in-law (Anjana Mumtaz), had been more of a friend than just an assistant to Urmila. So, when Rahul was diagnosed with brain tumor and an expensive operation seemed the only cure, Raj and Urmila pay for the operation. Later when Akanksha goes to thank Raj and Urmila, she overhears the silent moans of the couple that cannot bear a child because of certain medical disorders with Urmila. Akanksha decides to gift the couple what they desire most; as a payback for saving her child but later disappear from the city with her family. What was that gift she gave to her friend Urmila? Why did she break off all ties with Urmila and Raj after giving them her all ...
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