Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Steve Wilkos Show: STEVE LOCKUP MY SON

The Steve Wilkos Show: STEVE LOCKUP MY SON Clips : Duration : 1.27 Minutes.

My teen's going to jail! Jason is worried about his teenage son Brandon who likes to steal, vandalize and sell drugs. Brandon feels that he's invincible and selling drugs is the fastest way to get what he wants! Well, who better to help him learn the law than Steve! Jason knows that his son is on a path of destruction fast. So today Steve's taking Brandon to Wayne County Jail to give him a preview of where he just might end up if he doesn't clean up his act.

Keywords: steve, wilkos, show, pedophile, child, abuse, dad, mom, drug, addict, molester, confront, love, rehab, jail, police, officer, marine

Friends Link : Pregnancy Preparing

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