Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Best actor in the World *we are equal*

Best actor in the World *we are equal* Video Clips : Duration : 7.87 Minutes.

here I want to share 2 important pics for history Nikola Tesla and Mark Twain, no fake here img691.imageshack.us Here is Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla and Charles Steinmetz as they appeared in 1921, in a visit to the transoceanic station, at New Brunswick, NJ img522.imageshack.us + and extra ;p it is an animated one this one is of Mark Twain but it reminds me so much of George Carlin since George won the Mark Twain prize in the Kennedy Center img85.imageshack.us video of a massacre of 2 jounalists in Iraq by USA military, wikileaks don't trust alex jones he is a cia as Hal Turner turned to be an fbi agent Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq www.youtube.com Alex Jones is a CIA agent, after wikileaks released a document showing that CIA wanted to destroy wikileaks several websites began claiming that wikileaks is a hoax and a man appeared in Alex Jones show, saying that it was not true about CIA agents or government agents being after wikileaks but after this wikileaks released the collateral video, and then Alex Jones changed and began talking about how the government is really evil by killing civilians, when days before that a cia agent was in his show saying that wikileaks is a hoax 9 points to show he is a cia agent 1 Has close ties with Hollywood actors (Charlie Sheen became the highest paid sitcom actor after he revealed "his" thoughts on 9/11) 2 Promotes and was paid to promote a presidential candidate that never had a chance of winning 3-Does not support other ...

Tags: Best, comedian, worldwide, lol, funny, thinking, critical, laugh, philosopher, we, are, equal, world, global, international, Louis, CK, Keith, Olbermann, bills, hicks, Sean, Penn, Chris, Rock, Bill, Maher, Mitch, Hedberg, Watchzeitgeistmovie

Friends Link : Babie Breast

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