There are the good guys we know on contact and the bad boys we can spot a mile away but how do we see the sexually addicted guy coming?
I've known many people that were blindsided by this 'addiction'. I'm not sure that addiction is what I would call it but there is definitely the fact that they do it like a drug addict does drugs and they normally do their best to hide it. It can lead to porn, affairs, and every word they say becoming a lie.
Mom Joke
There are a few clues to watch for when you meet a man and when you get to know him to tell if he may be prone to becoming sexually addicted or if he already is. Of course, like always, the more clues he gives off the more likely he is prone to it. So if he fits every category you may want to think about finding someone else!
1. He is a thrill seeker and adrenaline junkie.
Daniel G. Amen is the author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life and he says that from seeing brains that are more prone to being sexually addicted, the people with these types of brains are more impulsive and compulsive in their life which therefore makes them more likely to cheat. So watch out for the guy that takes really big risks in almost everything he does.
2. How he treats or talks about woman.
If he talks about women as if they are objects more than people than that should be a pretty good indication of how he feels about them. Jokes about woman being stupid or objects fall into the same category as talking about it. Rude and sexist jokes are harder to tell if you don't actually believe them.
3. Watch his family dynamics when you visit.
This will show you how he was raised to feel about woman. Watch how his father and mother interact with each other and even his extended family if they are around. I've actually heard fathers encourage their sons when it comes to cheating and porn. A fathers influence on their son should never be underestimated because most sons want to make them proud and please them which causes them to be like their father.
4. The ring finger being longer than the index finger.
I saw this on a show and while it may not be an exact science it is supposed to mean that a man has more testosterone in him than if his ring finger was the same or smaller in length than his index finger. A higher testosterone level can equal a higher sex drive. So check out his hands to see his testosterone level.
5. Facial Symmetry
If they have a more symmetrical face they are considered alphas in the men world and are supposed to have really great genes which make them more attractive to other woman and probably boosts their own confidence up sexually. They think they are sexy and therefore are more sexual in nature.
6. Their past experiences
Do they have a history of spending every night at the strip club? Do they have a whole collection of porn that fills up their shelves? Have they cheated on their girlfriends in the past?
All of these sings can signify and guy who really, really, likes sex. Contrary to popular belief, most guys don't spend all their time in strip clubs or watching porn. Most normal guys want a real woman that they can look at and play with. You want a guy who wants to watch you and not a stripper.
How to Spot a Sexually Addicted Man - 6 Signs to Watch For
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