Monday, March 19, 2012

Is Acne Hereditary? HELP! I Think My Parents Are Making My Skin Break Out! (No Joke)

Are acne problems hereditary? Can your parents skin problems become your own? And what can you do if they are? Any of these questions sound familiar? If you are anything like many of the people who enjoy our articles on skin care and acne probably want to know if YOUR breakouts can be traced back to your genes, right? It's a pretty common question....and one that has a pretty surprising answer as well. Care to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Filed Under: Acne and Your Family Tree

Mom Joke

You DO inherit your skin type from your mom and dad. (some studies show that the relationship to your mom's skin type is much closer) For example, if one of your parents has large pores, or oily skin, you are FAR more likely to be predisposed to have the same problems yourself. And as we know already....oily skin and larger pores is a DIRECT cause of acne, therefore........the relationship is pretty direct between skin type and hereditary.

Filed Under: Acne and chromosomes

Did you know that some recent studies have posited that if a woman has acne at ANY stage of her life...the chances are, her offspring will suffer a similar fate? It's true......and as above, these studies suggest that a predisposition to acne (or problem skin of several different types) may be passed on through the X chromosome, from mother to child.

The bottom line?

You CAN cure, reverse or eliminate acne problems without any question. But the likelihood you'll HAVE the problems in the first place is related to your parents to a significant degree.....and knowing this, CAN give you a head start in treating the problems BEFORE they become serious. (and that's the straight scoop on acne and your genes....once and for all..:-)

Is Acne Hereditary? HELP! I Think My Parents Are Making My Skin Break Out! (No Joke)

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