Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nausea - aggressive "Easy" / Lionel Richie & The Commodores

Nausea - aggressive "Easy" / Lionel Richie & The Commodores Clips : Duration : 2.05 Minutes.

Stand Back! ... SHE'S GONNA BLOW! Dedicated to the brave mothers waiting (and fathers) in the world ...!

Tags: pregnant, pregnancy, mom, mother, dad, father, period, baby, morning, sickness, parent, child, labor, kid, food, symptoms, nausea, vomiting, dr, doctor, cure, signs, symptom, family, comedy, humour, humor, parody, satire, hilarious, Lionel, Richie, Commodores, Easy, funny, video, silly, babies, kids, barf, puke, vomit, heave, gag, sick, throw, up, queasy, takeoff, green, expecting, joke, nauseous, ill, moan, groan

Thanks To : Baby Room Themes

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