Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ep 3: Strip (Every Singaporean Son)

Ep 3: Strip (Every Singaporean Son) Clips Review : Duration : 6.72 Minutes.

Before a recruit is allowed to shoot, he must learn how to handle a rifle. Through the eyes of recruits Douglas and Syabil, we discover that there is nothing routine about the "courtship" when taking the Singapore Assault Rifle 21 as your "wife".Directed by Dom Ow Produced by Dom Ow & Jake Wong "My new girlfriend is SAR 21" Music: Traditional; Lyrics by Dom Ow Arranged and Performed by the SAF Music and Drama Company "Every Singaporean Son" Music by Teo Ngee Kuan; Lyrics by Teo Ngee Kuan/ Joel Foo & Mom Arranged and Performed by the SAF Music and Drama Company A One Dash 22/ Project Peanut Production for MINDEF Public Affairs

Keywords: Every Singaporean Son, ESS, web, mini-series, BMT, Basic Military Training, Singapore, National Service, NS, National, Service, recruit, sergeant, pulau tekong, tekong, enlistment, BMTC, botak, SAR 21, rifle, stripping, assemble, ground sheet, training shed, shooting, technical handling, bullets, rounds, immediate action, IA, magazine, double feeding

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