Monday, February 13, 2012

FALCOR - the URiNATOR (TROGDOR Parody) - Now on iTunes!

FALCOR - the URiNATOR (TROGDOR Parody) - Now on iTunes! Tube : Duration : 1.05 Minutes.

FALCOR is ON iTUNES!! Here: FALCOR SHIRTS! Use coupon code TOBYTWOBUCKS SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRIBE to my 2nd channel! Free MP3 - The original song is in this vid: Ringtone?!: Falcor panicked whenever I sang "FAALCOOOORRR!" - Not because it's his name... but because it was really, really bad. Technically, he's my niece's dog. But... I'm not a technician. Go there, click "Add to iTunes," and get me on your iPod?! Where have I BEEN all your life?! Falcor is a Shih-tzu. Postinating the lyrics: FALCORRRR! FALCOORR!! Falcor was a dog... I mean... he was... a dragon-dog. Ok, maybe he was... just my dog. But he was still FALCOR!! ... FALCOR!!! Urinating on the carpet, Nappinating on the pee-pad, Chewinating the sofa, and mom says, "DON'T DO THAAATTT!!" ... BUT HE DOES IT ANYWAAAYYY!!! And the Falcor takes a SIESTAAA! If you want to download/add the song for some reason, it's on my... space? my... myspace? It's supposed to be free, but the download button doesn't show! Email me if you want me to send a song. Worororodododd. PS. - Here it is on Revver. ... You know what to do. Strong Bad is one of the major characters of the Homestar Runner series of animated Flash web cartoons. He is portrayed by Matt Chapman, the principal voice actor and co-founder of the series. Strong Bad enjoys pranking the other characters of the series, along ...

Tags: toby, turner, trogdor, the, burninator, strong, bad, falcor, cute, puppy, dog, wii, is, gone, everyday, shih, tzu, homestar, runner, funny, song, music, hilarious, itunes, comedy music, Musical comedy, comedian, stand, up, comedy, adorable, cute puppy, doggy

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