Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mom Schwarzenegger - VHS Files 03

Mom Schwarzenegger - VHS Files 03 Clips : Duration : 3.87 Minutes.

Arnie is a tribute to his mother, while the heck out of his next film (for now), Red Heat. Around '88, I do not remember what show that this (if you do, then let me know), it seems, by Mother's Day Special TV celebrities. A tribute to the great Governor of the mother. (Note: the containment of the severe use terms such as mother-ordinator, the mom-mom Inatori or running other games or so bad that desription tired joke in this video. Yes it was not. What you want,go there ...) Here's to moms! Thank you. - HA

Tags: Arnold, Schwarzenegger, Mom, Mother, Aurelia, Jadrny, Red, Heat, Maria, Governator, Terminator, Republican, 80s, VHS, Files, simpsons

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