Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rucka Rucka Ali-Ching Chang Chong

Rucka Rucka Ali-Ching Chang Chong Clips : Duration : 3.58 Minutes.

Rucka Rucka Ali I do not like its title or lyrics of his songs in these videos! Text: Oh, Herro favor. You can call me DJ is not nice. I ran a cleaning service in Detroit. Do you want a black belt? $ 10 cash. No ticket, no laundry. Here we go. (Chang Ching Chong during this x8) Oh yeah. I slap a bitch when I go to her twice here we have to say any help me sing this song. Rucka Rucka Ali number one in the United States speak as Chang Ching Chong go to my shop, I said "Hurry up and buy"This is America, they call me Jackie Chan come here from Japan I'm speaking as Chang Ching Chong Welcome, sing my song I had as a cow Eggroll u now I do, if you want your steak wrong I want some soup Wan tan? I will eggdrop Gove, oops I do not talk like Ching Chong Chang returns to f *** with the Viet Cong with my ninja I'll get you caught my ninja dagger hit you between the eyes, I mean, peas cook while the black boy pee Keep throwing a black tie, pleaseI say peace black boy. I use my Kung-Fu Grip For girls boobs slap my people come to your village and your heart breaks into pieces I'll teach you Kwan, my apartment, I cook is smoking crack, you think, I think you has some wit, I am Chinese, I like "Ninja Please" My people are from China, but we won the Olympics from Beijing, because WIMPs can not play, my people wearing diapers, there is no time for bathroom break (Chorus) The ninja of the village The Ching Chang Chong take their...

Keywords: rucka, ali

Thanks To : Baby Room Themes

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